Eversource RDA

Request for Determination of Applicability 
Applicant:  NSTAR Electric Company dba Eversource Energy
Address:  from 45 Menemsha Crossroad to the intersection of Menemsha Crossroad and Middle Road
Project:  installation of new electrical conduits and manholes connecting the existing Eversource facility located at 45 Menemsha Crossroad to the intersection of Menemsha Crossroad and Middle Road.

Proposed Activities
The proposed project involves the installation of a new underground electrical conduit connecting the existing Eversource facility at 45 Menemsha Crossroad to the intersection of
Menemsha Crossroad and Middle Road, for a total of approximately 2,680 linear feet. The conduits will consist of a series of concrete encased ducts with grounding and will be installed
below ground along the conduit corridor within existing paved or unpaved roadway. In addition, six new manholes will be installed along the conduit path to provide access to the
subsurface electric equipment. 

The installation of the new conduit will be completed utilizing two- to five-inch diameter pipes that will be encased in concrete below ground. Trenching will be required to install the
conduits, and the trenches are expected to measure approximately up to three feet wide and will be excavated to a depth of approximately three feet. Once the conduits are installed, the
trenches will be backfilled and restored in kind.

Work Within Resource Areas
Impacts to the intermittent streams will be avoided by installing the new conduit in ground above the existing stream culverts. If needed during construction, the trench will be plated
at these crossing locations.

Portions of the project installation will occur within the 100-foot BZ to BVW and Inland Bank resulting in approximately 2,105 square feet (sf) of temporary impacts within the 100-foot
BZ. Areas within the 100-foot BZ where the work is proposed consist entirely of paved roadway and adjacent previously disturbed areas. The proposed work will not change the general characteristics of the area.