Trustees Brickyard History Visitor Experience

The Brickyard History Visitor Experience
The Trustees of Reservations

Darci Schofield, Islands Portfolio Director
860 State Road
Vineyard Haven, MA 02568

Project Category
Which of the following CPA fund categories apply to your application and project -- more than one category may apply: Open Space Preservation; Historic Resources Preservation; Community Housing; Open Space-Parks & Recreation. Please explain how your project meets the criteria for the CPA fund categories you are requesting.
The Brickyard History Visitor Experience project seeks to elevate the important story of the Brickyard and its relevance to our community history. Through interpretation and a place to rest, the project also seeks to enhance the visitor experience for the thousands of hikers, boaters, mariners and other recreation enthusiasts to this special place. The project falls within the historic resources, open space-parks and recreation, and open space categories of the Community Preservation Act.

Funding Scope
The Trustees is seeking $39,000 in Community Preservation Act Funds to support the Brickyard History Visitor Experience project to fund the design, fabrication, and production of the interpretive sign and self-guided tour. It is also seeking funding for the purchase and installation of a bench at the site. The Trustees seeks to hire a consulting firm to assist in the design and development of the interpretive sign and the self-guided tour. The design and production costs are extrapolated from the Trivium consulting report completed for The Trustees in 2019. The scope of this project is smaller than the original scope of work and costs estimated were adjusted accordingly. The anticipated hard costs for the design, fabrication, production, and bench total approximately $39,000. The Trustees will seek reimbursement for funds not exceeding this amount.
The Trustees will utilize its design, engagement, marketing staff, stewardship, and programming staff to implement the project. All are highly experienced in the community engagement, design and production of interpretation at historic sites. The Trustees will oversee the community engagement, interviews, story collecting portion of the project as well as the installation and marketing of the self-guided tour. We will host two public meetings and a sign reveal event when the project is complete. The Trustees will fund all other related soft costs such as contingency and overhead with a total contribution of $14,125. 

The Brickyard History Visitor Experience project seeks to bring to life the important history, people, and stories that define the historic remains of the Brickyard and elevate the visitor experience through interpretation and opportunities to rest while enjoying the Brickyard’s stunning views.
The project outcomes include:
• Three feet by three feet Interpretive Sign of the Brickyard’s history guided by the historic research and community voices. (Attachment B: Site Map for proposed sign locations and Appendix E: Preliminary Vision for Interpretation).
• Development of a self-guided narrative tour accessible by phone and webpage on the sign to provide opportunities for the visitor to explore the history and the structures more deeply.
• A bench for resting and enjoying the stunning Brickyard views.
The Brickyard draws thousands of visitors by land and sea for hiking, birdwatching, dog walking, exploring, and quiet, remote nature and history experience. This project is to elevate that visitor experience and directly benefits the Island community and the public at large. The Brickyard historic structures are impressive in themselves, and interpretation provides the education, the culture, and the depth of the structure’s importance in Chilmark’s and Martha’s Vineyard history. The three feet by three feet interpretive will comply with Chilmark’s zoning bylaws (Attachment D: Example Interpretive Sign), will be informed by completed research and additional collection of local stories (Attachment C: Preliminary Vision for Historic Interpretation, and guided by the public through two engagement meetings.
For the self-guided tour, The Trustees will seek to provide an effective, accessible and enjoyable option for the self-guided and/or visual tour. The tour will be accessible on The Trustees webpage for The Brickyard likely through a QR Code on the interpretive sign. We will publicize the self-guided tour and encourage visitors to download the tour before they head to the site, as cell phone service can be inconsistent. We will also connect with TrailsMV to communicate the self-guided tour opportunity at The Brickyard. Community Need and Support
Why is the project needed? Does it address needs outlined in existing Town or regional plans—such as master plans? What is the nature and level of community support for the project? How have you solicited public input and what public feedback have you received in support of your project?
The 1990 Chilmark Master Plan recommends that historic sites need to be identified, visible, attractive, and accessible to the public with an emphasis on the education of the historic resources (Chilmark Master Plan Supplement 1990-1992, Section 6. P. 222). The plan specifically mentions the Brickyard, located on private property at the time and only had limited access for research. The Trustees opened to the public The Brickyard, on May 1, 2020 after performing community engagement, site preparation, research, and interpretive planning

Timing:To launch the project, The Trustees will host a visioning meeting with the Town and public to understand priorities, stories, and interests for the outcomes of this project. This feedback combined with the PAL’s technical report provide the framework for the self-guided tour and interpretive sign. Once the first drafts of are complete, The Trustees will host a second public meeting for final public feedback. We anticipate finalizing the designs in early winter then producing the signs and self-guided tour in spring 2025. The Trustees will install the signs in May and host a community event in June 2025 to reveal the new sign and self-guided tours..