Storm Planning from Verizon

Storm preparedness poster

Each year, the arrival of the holidays coincides with the arrival of winter weather.  The following helpful information and Verizon contact numbers will help residents deal with telecommunications related issues when an emergency and/or weather event happens.  The customer checklist below, Verizon's toll-free number 1-800-VERIZON (1-800-837-4966) and website are helpful resources.

Customer Checklist

·        If you rely solely on cordless phones in your home, you should consider getting an inexpensive hard-wired phone that plugs directly into your home’s wall jacks.  Cordless phones will not function without commercial power, but corded phones will work in the event of a loss of commercial power.

·        Remember home answering machines won’t work without power, but Verizon voice mail service – which is powered by the network – will work and can serve as a convenient family message board.

·        Charge all battery-powered devices before the storm hits, including wireless phones and PDAs, laptop computers, personal entertainment devices, flashlights and radios. And check your supply of batteries.

·        Many people keep all of their contact information in their PCs or wireless devices.  Make contact lists and create communications plans for loved ones before the storm hits.  If you are evacuated or are otherwise unreachable, make plans to communicate via wireless calling, text messaging, the Internet or other alternatives available at relocation sites.

·        Top off all vehicle and generator fuel tanks before a storm – gas pumps also rely on commercial power.

·        Check your local emergency-readiness authorities for their recommendations and advisories about the situation in your area. Be sure to check back with them if the situation gets worse.

·        If you live in a flood-prone area, protect sensitive equipment like computers and TVs by getting them as high above ground as you can so when service comes back up, you’ll be back in business quickly.


To Report Service Related Issues 

Customers can contact Verizon at 1-800-VERIZON (1-800-837-4966) or online at to report any service-related issue.