Seeking Input from Our Community

A Survey about the skills, experience, and characteristics that the community values in a school Principal. 
hands raised

Dear Chilmark School Community,

As you know, Susan Stevens is retiring at the end of this school year. We are very grateful for her service to our children and families. As we look to fill her shoes, we have begun the search process for a new school principal. As part of this process, we are actively seeking input from our community, specifically around the skills, experience, and characteristics that the community values in a principal. 

We have designed a very brief survey for alumni, parents, and the broader community and an interactive project for the students’ feedback too. We really want to hear from YOU so that your voice and perspective helps shape our search process.


Please take a moment to complete this survey, which will be distributed by email, in the town column, and by postings in our library, at the Town Hall, at the CCC, and more. We ask that you please share your response no later than Dec 10th. Please also tell your friends and neighbors about this opportunity to help shape the future of the Chilmark School. Every voice counts.

Should you have any questions about the process, please don’t hesitate to reach out to School Advisory Council member Jessica Mason (