Important Social Distancing Information

Help prevent COVID-19
social distance

What is social distancing?

Here is a quick statement from your Board of Health:
It’s time to get serious about social distancing. It’s confusing to understand what this means, so this might help. Refrain from any unnecessary travel no matter the distance. Refrain from dinner parties, playdates for your children, sleepovers and more. Make outings to the grocery store and pharmacy as quick as possible, at off-peak hours and be sure to wash your hands when you arrive home. Grab a cup of coffee to go or chowder to go, but don’t linger in the shop. Many places have shortened their hours so be sure to call ahead. Use the phone, texts, Skype, FaceTime, Zoom or other for communication. Take your kids on a trail, to the beach or out in the back yard to enjoy fresh air and nature, but for now, keep it a family only thing. Get creative on ways to be social while distancing yourself. We will continue to work on a Q and A format for future updates.

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