Volunteering with the Fire Dept.

Are You Ready to Become a Volunteer Firefighter?

Before diving in it’s important you’re sure about becoming a volunteer firefighter. To better understand if becoming a volunteer firefighter is for you, ask yourself the questions below.  

1. Are you willing to give up the occasional full night of rest, work or social hours to help others?

2. Do you find it important to give back to the community in meaningful ways that pay it forward?

3. Are you looking for a community of others who enjoy        helping people in times of fear or loss?

If you answered “yes” to these questions, you may be an excellent fit for a career as a volunteer firefighter so give us a call at (508)645-2550.  


The duties of a volunteer firefighter span beyond putting out fires and rescuing animals from trees. In reality, volunteer firefighters perform a multitude of important tasks to keep others safe, maintain their equipment, and ensure the department can continue serving their community. Some of the most common duties include:


Volunteer firefighters respond to fire outbreaks in the same way as paid firefighters. Some of their responsibilities include setting up ladders, connecting hoses to hydrants, spraying fires directly, and using methods to prevent fire spread.


These duties are typically administered by Tri-Town EMS, but volunteer firefighters, on occasion, are needed to administer first aid or CPR to individuals hurt in fire, accidents, or other types of emergencies. Our volunteers receive training on basic life-support methods.


When an individual or group of people go missing or are in imminent danger, our volunteers participate in search and rescue efforts. 



After the outbreak of a fire or in the aftermath of a large wreck, volunteer firefighters step in to help reroute traffic, avoid pile-ups, and ensure that pedestrians, emergency staff, and drivers all follow safety procedures. They may direct traffic, set up barriers, or liaise with our police to accomplish these goals.


Sunday mornings at 10:00am is “radio check.” At this time each week department members gather to give each piece of apparatus a once over to ensure everything is in working order. Noting any issues that may need to be addresses is a key piece of Sunday’s routine.


In unison with the Chilmark Volunteer Firefighter’s Association, department members also assist with:


Fundraising represents a vital component of any fire department, and our volunteers often take part in initiatives to bring money in. Activities we may participate in include the annual Backyard Bash, boot drive, letter writing campaign, and other events.


In addition to facilitating fire awareness programs with the Chilmark School, Association members sponsor annual Halloween and Christmas parties for the townschildren, college scholarships and other supportive programs as needed.