Housing needs assessment update

Housing needs assessment update through MVC including detailed Chilmark data

FROM: Molly Flender Affordable Housing Trust Committee
Project Title: Housing Needs Assessment
Applicant/Contact Person: Andrew Goldman, Chair,
Molly Flender Affordable Housing Trust Committee
Alison Kisselgof, Administrative Assistant
Mailing address, email address, phone number:
Chilmark Town Hall

Project Category: Community Housing

Funding Scope: $2,000
Goals: All towns are being asked by the Martha’s Vineyard Commission for $2,000 to complete a Housing Needs Assessment update from 2020.
Community Need and Support: The need for affordable housing on Martha’s Vineyard is well documented, but the specific needs for the community as they have changed since the pandemic is not quantified.
Timing: The housing needs assessment will be conducted as soon as possible and interim funding will be provided by the Molly Flender Fund until the funds can be replenished with CPA funding.