Expedition Bigfoot

Event Date: 
Tuesday, April 18, 2023 - 6:00pm
Expedition Bigfoot
Tuesday, April 18, 6:00: Expedition Bigfoot with Ronny LeBlanc.

The search for proof of Bigfoot’s existence continues. A regular speaker and researcher, Ronny LeBlanc is a globally recognized figure in the world of paranormal, Bigfoot and UFOs. His critically acclaimed “Monsterland: Encounters With UFOs, Bigfoot and Orange Orbs,” details the history and connection between the various phenomena, highlighting his experience and a research area called Monsterland in central Massachusetts. 

Ronny LeBlanc stars in two shows for Discovery+ & Travel Channel, EXPEDITION BIGFOOT and PARANORMAL CAUGHT ON CAMERA. has appeared on Coast to Coast AM, CBS and cover stories for Boston Herald, Sentinel & Enterprise and Telegram & Gazette.

Email tthorpe@clamsnet.org for the Zoom invite.

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